If it’s your turn to host the big holiday meal this year, we’ve got some great ideas to help streamline the process. Instead of trying to do the whole thing alone, we firmly believe that the more the merrier; accept any help offered graciously and take the pressure off your shoulders. It also helps to plan as much as you can in advance. Read on for more of our expert tips for hosting a stress-free holiday meal this season.
Keep It Simple
Some of us feel compelled to put on a real show when entertaining and we want to pull out all the stops; we can make more work for ourselves than is necessary. We’re suggesting, instead, that you stick to a simpler menu that rests on a smaller selection of dishes you know how to make well. Design a meal around a few of your favourite dishes that you feel comfortable making and let others fill in the rest.
Draw Up A Plan In Advance
A great meal will be easier to execute if you have a plan in place and stick to it. Outline your menu, draw up a grocery list, buy as many pantry items as you can ahead of time, and even time how long each dish will take to make and when you will make it. This level of organization can sound a little detailed, but it will make cooking on the day of your celebration—and even the night before—go much more smoothly. In the midst of cooking a big meal like this, it’s easy to miss a step here and there; with a good workback schedule this is much less likely.
Let Others Contribute
Don’t be too proud to accept offers of help from others. Say yes enthusiastically and welcome whatever they bring! You can plan for these offerings by making a list of items that would help round out the meal you’ve planned: a salad, a starchy side dish, some wine, a pie, or buns, for example. If a friend or family member is keen to bring a signature dish, encourage their contribution! These offers are genuine—people really do want to pitch in and help—so let them and enjoy the rewards of a great meal together.
Do As Much As You Can Ahead Of Time
Any kind of meal prep you can do ahead of the big dinner will buy you valuable time the following day. Wash and chop vegetables, bake pie crusts and cookies, brine your turkey, and fully cook any side dishes so they can be reheated the next day; front-load as many of your tasks as you can so that you reduce your workload on the actual day of your celebration. Dishes can be wrapped and stored in the fridge, then warmed as needed before guests arrive. While this approach does spread your cooking out over multiple days, it makes it easier to stay on top of all the dishes and tidying up that also comes with preparing a big holiday meal.
Accept Any Offers Of Help In The Kitchen
Don’t be so quick to shoo guests out of the kitchen. Some of the most fun moments come from cooking together. While you may not have the room for a dozen extra hands, say yes to a few key helpers who you know you can rely on. Take advantage of any expertise your guests may have: someone who is great at mixing drinks can serve guests cocktails as they arrive, talented cooks can assist you with the important main dishes, and anyone with a knack for entertaining can assemble appetizers for guests to nibble on.
We hope your holiday meal will be memorable and a great success! Best of luck and don’t forget to play some music and enjoy the process. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to follow along with the Medallion blog for more great holiday hosting tips.